Phygital Media
Heaven for Soyboys No.1 90x60"
Heaven for Soyboys No.2 90x60"
Heaven for Soyboys No.3 90x60"

“Heaven for Soyboys (Hell for Men)” is a satirical meditation on the fractured complexities of modern identity, shaped and distorted by digital culture. Iconic corporate symbols like Apple and Google intermingle with anime-inspired imagery, serving as markers of the omnipresent influence of technology and fantasy on contemporary life. The glitch aesthetic—jarring colors, fragmented shapes, and chaotic textures—becomes a metaphor for the dissonance between traditional roles and the fractured digital personas emerging in today’s hyper-mediated world.
Reptilian figures and distorted Wojak faces dominate the visual narrative, representing power oppressive dynamics, emotional commodification, and the elimination of modern masculinity. By juxtaposing vibrant, playful imagery with undertones of unease, the work critiques the dichotomies of connection and isolation, authenticity and artifice. “Heaven for Soyboys” dissects the male psyche in a world where identity and consumption collide, presenting a vivid, unsettling commentary on the commodification of self in the digital age.