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Phygital Media


Red Rhapsody 72x40"

Orange Rhapsody 72x40"

Yellow Rhapsody 72x40"

Green Rhapsody 72x40"

Blue Rhapsody 72x40"

Indigo Rhapsody 72x40"

Violet Rhapsody 72x40"

Black Rhapsody 72x40"

White Rhapsody 72x40"


“Rhapsodies” consists of nine distinct color pieces that explore the interplay of whimsical, androgynous figures suspended in liminal motion. Are they caught in reverie or panic? Set against a backdrop of powerful corporate symbols and financial institutions, the series blurs the line between serenity and intrusion, questioning the ever-encroaching presence of institutions in even our most idyllic, bucolic spaces.


Each piece captures a fragmented yet dynamic figure surrounded by abstract textures and organic forms, evoking a sense of rhythm and improvisation—much like a musical rhapsody. The repetition of the central figure across varied color palettes and emotional tones conjures a visual chorus that harmonizes movement, color, and commentary. Rhapsodies offers both a reflection on the universality of creative expression and a critique of the pervasive reach of corporate sponsorship into our private and public realms.

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